Friday, January 24, 2025

Unpopular Opinions on Friday, January 24th, 2025

Hello (again?) dear Reader, and welcome to this insignificant little blog, a tiny blip in cyberspace, a drop in the virtual ocean. Right now it's a sunny January afternoon in a remote area of the Sonoran Desert and our wonderful First Couple hit the ground running this morning - in fact, they may have even arrived in LA by now, having started early to head to North Carolina first and foremost. 💖
Here is a picture of Freedom Turtle that I took, oh, about thirty minutes ago:

He's such a sweetheart; we adore him! 

Anyway, the title of this blog "Unpopular Opinions" is about some of the things that I believe; personal convictions that are far from mainstream or popular and I am perfectly alright with that.

Unpopular Opinion 1:
No woman should ever serve as President (or other similar world leader). And I'm a natural-born, biological woman so you can't even accuse me of being sexist here, but I'm happy to discuss the 'why' behind this conviction; in fact, it's pretty easy. Men and women are called to different roles in life, pure and simple, and our natural abilities and talents equip us for these roles in life. God created and ordained man (male humans) as the leader, the authority and protective covering for us (female humans). I, for one, am totally cool with this. You guys do your jobs, and we ladies will do ours. Fair is fair; you serve me, I serve you, everyone wins. Anyway, ladies, keep in mind the fact that he is accountable for all of his words and deeds before God, including as your earthly authority. Also, having this attitude is super helpful in making healthy relationships flourish with little to no issues; an example from my own relationship: when he and I disagree on a thing (what we should do, et cetera), I just defer to his judgement and we go with whatever he wants. He, then, gets to live with the results and I'm off the hook. 😎 In short, ladies, just find a man you trust and love enough to submit to and it will never be an issue (and, if you do not trust and/or love him enough to submit to him, either get your heart right OR find one that you can submit to).

Unpopular Opinion #2:
I do not (I repeat, NOT) think that people get sent to Hell just for being gay or transgender. As hardcore conservative as I now am, I still think that homosexuality is no greater of a sin than telling a lie, or than stealing, or any other sin. I see it all as black and white here: it's basically all murder (or might as well be) in God's eyes because there are two things:
1)Perfection (God and His character) and 2) everything else.
See, the Scripture puts it this way (in one place):
"ALL" = you, me, everyone, the whole lot of us. No one is exempt; the only One Who was/is (perfect, sinless) is Jesus. The rest of us? We need grace and forgiveness. So, it is my (unpopular) opinion that being gay is no worse than telling a lie or stealing a sandwich, or killing a guy! I mean, all sin IS sin. I think it's a grave and probably eternally dangerous mistake (mostly made by legalistic church-goers) to sit in judgement of others, yes, "even IF they're gay". 
The one (kind of) sin that I have the hardest time with is (well, to my knowledge at least) is judging people when/if I think they're committing evil on purpose. Literally nothing in this life makes me madder. Mad enough to do things that I cannot legally articulate. So, pray for me (and, possibly of more importance: pray for them). Corruption, deliberate evil, all of that? Those things create a primal, adrenaline-charged rage deep within the very fiber of my spirit. Anyway. 

That's all that's really coming to mind for now, but there are two things that I believe, convictions that I came to on my own (as I was raised by agnostic intellectuals who, bless their hearts, only thought they were 'conservative' but the only conservative things about them were the way they handled money and the way they voted and that's it). It's all good, I'm just saying; in other words, my opinions are my own. 

Anyway, dear Reader, do YOU have any unpopular opinions? Feel free to share in the comments section below if you like. Either way, thank you for a few minutes of your time again, and have a wonderful afternoon.

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