Friday, January 31, 2025

Morning Thoughts on Friday, January 31st, 2025

Greetings and salutations, dear Reader, and welcome. 
Today's portion from the Book of Wisdom:

Today's stand-out verses (to me):

God Almighty charges us to stand up for those unable to stand up for themselves. We must have compassion coupled with fierce strength in righteous anger when appropriate and correct, not turning a blind-eye to EVIL in the misappropriated name of so-called "tolerance" because, doing so, is nothing less than purely satanic, full-stop. 

But, in order to be truly compassionate and loving, that concurrently means HATING EVIL - behold, factual truth from the Word of GOD:
In order to do so, we must first comprehend what EVIL actually is:
And, when in doubt, refer to the WORD OF GOD. 
We do NOT get to "make up our own" definitions. 


Therefore, if you are believing ANYTHING that is NOT in agreement with the inviolable, perfect Word of God:

Truth is the same now as it has been from instant that it was created by God.
Truth does not change simply because society wants it to,
that is how children think and behave. Oh, it's also how satan operates as well. 

Children will only harm themselves if left up to their own devices, and the way God has ordered things, parents are the guardians of their children, there to protect them from making huge decisions based on those feelings, decisions that can have life-long and/or eternal consequences. Such as allowing the chemical castration of minor children, the majority of whom come to realize that, no, they did not want to change genders after all. Parents who actually LOVE their children will take care to refuse chemical castration and irreversible surgeries on people who are not yet allowed to even drive, vote, or have a beer!!! 
To do otherwise IS CHILD ABUSE.

It is child-abuse full-stop to allow children to make any and all specifically-adult decisions and to refuse to set healthy boundaries for them because the parent is too selfish to face the backlash of rejection as a temporary result of speaking Truth and enforcing healthy, protective boundaries to the child/ren they are entrusted with, by GOD, to enforce those boundaries with.

The TRUTH IS that there is NOT "MY truth" or "YOUR truth" - there is only THE TRUTH, and that is found in the perfect, inviolable Word of God.

And if you've been deceived by Lucifer's LIES through the liberal, globalist operatives he's infected the planet with, no worries - always, always, ALWAYS turn to and rely on and OBEY the WORD OF GOD. It's that simple. NOT EASY - no. But SIMPLE - yes.


Thursday, January 30, 2025

Great Sorrow and Great Joy on Thursday, January 30th, 2025

Good morning (et cetera) dear Reader and welcome (back?) to this obscure slice of American cyberspace today.

With no further ado, here is the day's Proverb:

And, prayer. 
Dear Lord God, thank You for waking us up today, those of us whose eyes opened on this side of the grass thank You for the gift of being alive today and ask that You give us the grace to appreciate it more today than ever before, God, and thank You. We continue to seek Your face and Your Will, God, and ask that You make Yourself and Your Will known to each of us today with more clarity and truth than ever before, in Jesus' Name, God. Lord, please continue to replace War globally with Your Peace, everywhere that War currently rages, God, and deliver the innocent from the hands of the enemy, God. Lord, we ask for You to defeat all powers of evil currently warring against You and us, Your people. Father God, please empower all of Your angels and us, Your saints, unto good and sacred works that please the heart of God and give You glory, for Your Name's sake, in Jesus' Name. Father God, please deliver the people of the world from all wicked leaders and replace them with leaders who love and worship You in spirit and in truth, God, for which we give You glory and endless gratitude, Lord, in Jesus' Name! Dear God, please cover all godly leaders and all the faithful who surround them with Your hedge of holy protection and expose any and all the unfaithful into the light of truth, letting no evil slip past Your eyes, God, and we thank You! Father, please protect all of the unborn from slaughter today, God! Please impart a mothers love into the heart of every pregnant woman on earth today - now! - please, in Jesus' Name! And thank You! Lord, please open the eyes of human understanding all across the globe today, God, and show them Your truth and light! Lord, please find and deliver every "lost" innocent migrant child from any and all evil situations, God, and bring ALL perpetrators of evil to Your Justice, in Jesus' Name! Lord, please reveal all truth and pour Your Words into our hearts, Lord, in Jesus' Name. Please, extend salvation to every hungry soul who will repent and embrace truth, God, and we thank You for everything! Please also answer every secret and/or forgotten prayer, in accordance with Your will, please, and we give You praise. And, God, I ask for You to empower me to speak the truth IN LOVE, and use me as Your mouthpiece in whatever capacity You choose, if at all, and thank You. Father, we also ask that You minister Your healing loving grace, Your conviction, and that all of YOUR purposes be realized and fulfilled through us, today and always, in Jesus' Name, amen.

Great sorrow:
A military helicopter flew into an airplane last night near an airport in or near Washington, D.C. resulting in numerous casualties. Some reports indicate that the helicopter was engaged in a training exercise when the collision occurred. It's a horribly sad and terrible situation - Dear Lord God, please pour Your soothing love and grace onto every affected survivor and please prevent this from ever happening again, in Jesus' Name, amen. 

Great Joy (on a much, much smaller scale):
And now, I would like to tell you about a recent personal medical scare.
Not 24 hours ago, in fact, I was on an operating room table under a heart-surgeon's care - but let me start from the very beginning.
On January 28th, I awoke at the normal (for me) time (around 2 or 3 a.m.) and noticed a consistent ache (about 5 intensity on a scale of 1-10) deep in my chest and upper-abdomen area. Frankly, it felt like pretty intense indigestion? I'm still not even really sure; I do know that it felt different from the heart attack that I had in August of 2021.

Since I wasn't sure of what was going on, though, I thought "well, I'd better wait a few hours to give the troponin levels a chance to show up on blood tests" and went about my normal business, until about ten, ten-thirty that morning. The symptoms didn't change at all, neither for better or for worse, for several hours, so - just to be safe even though I was still very dubious - we went to the emergency room at Copper Queen medical there in Douglas. 

Even though I told the young lady at the front desk "hey, don't freak out or anything, but I do have a history of one heart attack, and have some dull chest pain so I thought I'd better come be seen just in case" - but freak out she did, anyway, and a team of people immediately rushed me into the first open room and began treating me all at once, each with his or her task. They were a well-oiled machine of professionals! I'm very, very impressed with everything about how I was treated, in fact (and thank God for them all!).
Well, wouldn't you know it - my troponin levels were, in fact, elevated, and that pretty much almost only occurs as the result of some form of cardiac event. Within minutes, I was on a stretcher in a helicopter and flown to another hospital in Tucson, about an hour helicopter flight from Douglas.

Shortly before departure, though, I posted a quick 'hospital selfie' to one social media platform and immediately had several people praying for me. 

The new hospital continued IV Heparin therapy, and continued to monitor the ever-increasing troponin levels; my pain remained consistent. Several hours and numerous tests later (EKG tests and even a lengthy heart ultrasound) the next day in the morning, in fact, I was taken to the operating room where another group of fabulous, efficient professionals attended me.

The surgeon made an incision in my right wrist, a tiny little point of access for his equipment to access the inside of my heart (identical to my first heart-surgery experience). This time, though, once he was in the heart proper, the surgeon continued to evince surprise because he was unable to find anything wrong, there was nothing for him to have to fix. 

So, thank You, God, and thanks to every single person who even did so much as throw up a quick "please heal her Lord, in Jesus' Name" because He did exactly that. I know that I didn't have a heart attack and it resolved itself. NO, I had a heart attack, and God healed me with His own hand. I am, and will forever be, grateful. I've told you this 1) to glorify God and praise Him for this miracle and 2) to encourage the faith of any and all who read this truthful, recent account. 

And, for those determined to discredit God and His healing power, here is verifiable, documented medical evidence in two photos that I took of my discharge paperwork:

Please keep the families of the victims of the recent airplane+helicopter tragedy in your prayers today, dear Reader, please - the survivors and loved ones are going to heavily need them (your prayers) and thank you for spending time with me today.
Be well, be blessed, and take care! 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Feelings on Tuesday, January 28th, 2024

Hello, dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to this American blog, where Free Speech is king second only to Jesus. 

The title of today's string of thoughts is called "Feelings" and I'll get to the topic soon, but, first things first (and, I apologize that I didn't share the Proverb from yesterday) - anyway! here is today's Proverb, straight out of the Book of Wisdom:

SO many verses in today's Proverb really stand out to me, dear Reader, and the ones that do are eerily in line with the topic that's on my mind this morning. I'd love to see the verse/s that stand out to you listed in the comments section, if you like. 
That song is a current focal point of the selfish part of my prayers these days. I try very hard to pray for the important things first, the things that will affect our entire world, our leaders, and the most vulnerable first and then if I have any steam left, I'll ask God for personal wants and needs. Often I don't get that far, but feel like He's got my back regardless, you know?

So here is the first one that stands out, just right out of the gate, and it's the very first verse:

This verse is SO great! It's like when you see someone all strung out on meth or coke (hey, I've been there, we all have a past, right?) anyway. that's like when someone gets all strung out, then they start to believe that everyone's out to get them, et cetera. That's not the only or probably not the best example of that verse being evident in real, daily life, but it is the first one that came to mind, so there you have it. 
Going further with the concept, it's also true that He emboldens us supernaturally as we need it, and I've experienced that several times myself throughout life so far. God literally gives us words as we need them, the right ones; He empowers us within by His indwelling Holy Spirit, thereby using us as vessels for His purpose and His glory. 💜
Any and all authority in my writing/words is authority that God Himself has imparted and I take zero credit for anything other than merely being a vessel submitted to Him for use and nothing more. As the Scriptures say, though: 
The things that I say/write outside of the ones He puts in my head and mouth, those are obviously mine alone, have no anointing, and will (hopefully!) be easily forgotten.

Human emotions can be a very dangerous thing, if we allow them to have too much importance in our hearts and lives. Our 'feelings' are easily manipulated and very often incongruent with truth. That is to say, that a thing can sound/ feel right but deeper investigation reveals to be false or even evil at its core. The Word of God cautions us throughout the Scriptures:

I think this verse is a clear warning to hold fast to His Words, verbatim, to keep us on the straight and narrow path in pursuit of Him and His Will versus getting distracted by Self or other forms of deception on the way. Like "Oh the Bible is mostly symbolic in nature" - really?! what verse tells you that? And, yes, I understand that Jesus spoke in parables, but I mean the compiled collection of books as a whole. Honestly, how arrogant does one have to be to think "Oh I don't like that so I'll pretend it's not there" or "what He really meant is..."
Um, NO. That's NOT how this works.

For my part, I'm at this place where I am sick to death of deception. I'm tired of watching humanity suffer, especially the most vulnerable, because everyone's own FEELINGS are so damned important that there's no room for the TRUTH anymore. These days, these self-worshippers talk about "MY truth" and "YOUR truth" - but that's all PURE LIES. There is 1) THE truth and, 2) everything else. 
Count on my words to, here and there at least, offend you; trust and believe that, though inelegant and/or unpalatable, my words will  always (almost always, I'm imperfect) be truth, to the best of my understanding, only for your ultimate betterment. 

Satan approached EVE in the garden (I think) because we (women) are (typically) far more emotionally-driven than our male counterparts tend to be; it is my opinion that that is why God appointed the man to be our protective covering of authority (in covenant relationship). See, the Devil knew that Adam, being a more rational and logical being, would have used those God-given abilities to defeat him, and he wasn't trying to have that. So he went to Eve instead and the rest, as they say, is history.

An extreme example that I hope will bring more understanding to the concepts that I dearly wish to convey:
Ok. I'm overweight, but I FEEL like eating twenty donuts a day, every day. Eventually, I go in to see the doctor weighing well over several hundred pounds, lets say. My doctor advises me that my health problems are the direct results of my weight, which is the direct results of my eating habits. 
If I'm all in my FEELINGS, however, I turn around and accuse that physician of 'fat shaming' and 'righteously' storm out of the office.
I then continue to eat as I damn well please, and, BOOM, end up dropping dead from cardiac arrest. 

However, had I submitted to her medical authority as my physician, I would have moved beyond the initial emotional impact to then process the information intellectually, gaining understanding of my situation and how I can resolve it, based on the expertise of the one in authority (medical authority, in this case). So, our feelings are not necessarily or always "bad". But we are strongly cautioned in this way:

So, dear Reader, as I pray for God to give me gentleness today and empower me to speak the truth IN LOVE, I also pray that He will open the eyes of your understanding where you lack any (as we all do, including me) and reveal the true and deep treasures of His Wisdom hidden among His Words. 

Thank you for your time, dear Reader; be blessed, take care, and remember: if you love someone, you must always tell them the truth, no matter what.
Even if they hate you for it; and, yes, even if they kill you for it. 

Monday, January 27, 2025

Mental Health in the US - Monday, January 27th, 2025

Hello (again?) dear Reader, and welcome to this obscure American blog; I'm freshly-showered and dressed, drinking coffee. It's a bit after two a.m. in the Mountain Standard Time zone. 

An American citizen, born here in 1971 before Roe v. Wade (which is why I was born at all), I was first hospitalized in 1989 and (then) diagnosed as suffering from Bipolar I with psychotic features.

My life has since been a series of failed back to back to back (ad infinitum) employment attempts and innumerable trials with pretty much all of the so-called 'mood stabilizer' medications available here in the United States.

The last 'mood stabilizer' medication that I took ( from 2017 until May of 2019 - Vraylar) literally and undeniably caused me to become an insulin-dependent type-II diabetic for years until, finally, I was able to taper down to Metformin only to manage it. I will possibly have to take the Metformin for the rest of my life (thanks for nothing, 'medicine' - you are all a failed joke).

Other medications have caused massive weight gain and hair loss, suicidal and homicidal ideations, and some (other) literally life-threatening side-effects. Today, after Vraylar and the permanent damage done to me, I now take nothing to manage the bipolar as that's the literally only safe pathway forward.

So, even though I was diagnosed thirty-six years ago, in that entire span of more than three decades, the entire mental health industry in this nation has done literally nothing to offer any kind of real, effective help, at all. We (the gravely mentally ill) are reviled, maligned, and ignored by the rest of "humanity" - including, but not limited to, by our own federal government. In fact, if it weren't for my husband, I would be homeless or dead or worse right now, beyond any possibility of reasonable doubt. A (supposed) genius IQ means nothing in the absence of any and all emotional and psychological stability; I submit my entire life to you as substantiating evidence.

Through numerous, useless periodic hospitalizations as well as several failed suicide attempts, in the absolute absence of any true and or even modestly effective mental health care, I have been driven by desperation to the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ - my other choice, of course, was death at my own hands.
But with God, His Word, and the loving saints that He's put in my life's path (such as the incredible, loving, wonderful entire staff of Fort Worth Teen Challenge women's ministry), I am alive today and must assume that He may still be able to use me in a productive way for others, somehow; I live for the promise of this and, as crazy as it is, retain an optimistic hope that someone someday will be able to ignore my abrasive personality in deference to excellence in all work product as well as my very unpopular and hated brutal honesty. (HA! You think I'm rude to you, you ought to hear the things that I tell myself! but, I digress). 

Anyway, it is my hope and prayer that we mentally ill people, some of the ones He calls "the least of these" - will somehow be remembered by God and treated like valuable human beings by our nation and its rulers. Modern medicine just shoves whatever new poison that's been 'approved' down our throats, all in the name of profit, while we die in droves, on the streets, or often in our own homes by our own hands.

When Duke University offered me a full four-year scholarship in 1984 based on the results of some standardized test that we all took there in 8th grade (in Texas), I turned them down for several reasons. 1) I had no idea what on earth to pursue as a career (and had zero help at home with that) and, probably the biggest reason here, 2) they made the mistake of telling me that it was an experimental effort, and 3) even at 13, I knew that my psyche needed the consistent exposure to my same-age peers in high-school due to my being not fully developed (physically and psychologically) at that age.
and not ONE DIME of it is well-spent - it's all a HUGE WASTE to enrich the already wealthy!!! 

So, here I am - no job, dealing with food insecurity every day, struggling to make it from one day to the next, but still, I am grateful. The Lord has given me the ability to appreciate everything that He's given me; in fact, a favorite prayer (in the shower) is "thank You for the luxury of this clean hot water on demand, Lord" 💜
Anyway, if I ever find someone who's willing to ignore my personality in acceptance of the excellence I'm able to provide any employer, I'll never quit that job! Otherwise, making money online and in other (newer) ways just escapes me. Nobody's perfect.

Anyway, Reader, I want to raise awareness about the state of mental health care in this nation (if not globally). I pray that President Trump and Mr. Kennedy will revolutionize America's approach to this profound governmental waste and bring about changes to improve - and yes, to SAVE - American lives.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

About Mass Deportation - Sunday, January 26th, 2025

Hello; greetings and salutations on this late January afternoon, dear Reader, and welcome.

I think the Democrats need to use some logic and deliberate cognition in general, but especially about the hot topic of the mass deportation of any and all illegal aliens.

Generally speaking, here is the current sentiment from the left:
It's inhumane and/or racist to enforce existing immigration laws (by deporting illegal aliens). 😡

Me: 👉

#1: That☝ is the law that currently exists to protect this nation and us, her people. This nation is not currently anarchist.  
Here, in the United States of America, WE ENFORCE OUR LAWS

Should you have an issue with any existing law, address that with your representatives and work with them to change it! That is part of the process we've had for almost 250 years now. In this Constitutional Republic, we (grown adults) do not behave like spoiled, wholly uncontrolled children, driven solely by politics and raw emotion,100% bereft of any and literally all forms of deliberate cognition. It's my personal opinion, dear Reader, that we could probably streamline the process that exists, to some degree or other, if we impose the requirements of personal accountability and standards of efficiency, but I digress. Anyway...

You want to be humane? So do I! Which is precisely why I have to support any and all efforts to stop human trafficking. Human trafficking (allegedly) increased by (at least) 600% as one of numerous catastrophic results of the Biden Regime's open borders while the entire Administration ignored all existing laws (see above - and please feel free to provide evidence to the contrary in the comments section here, below). 

Having stated what should be obvious...

The underlying concern seems to be something more like:
Our current immigration process to enter the US legally takes too long and must be modernized and streamlined.

See how this concept goes a step beyond the initial strong (valid!) emotional desire to stand up for the immigrants? Moving from mere emotion and shifting over to deliberate cognition empowers us to identify problems at their causal root, and, if we will all lay our egos aside, as well as partisan politics, and focus together on how to best serve and protect all of the humans, then we will be able - together - to create and agree on real, effective, and humane solutions for all. 

I have so many ideas of ways that we might be able to improve on existing legal pathways to American citizenship, but will save those for another time as I thought it important to touch on these other things first. 
Thank you for your time and consideration, dear Reader, and please do feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section (if you like). 😎

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Before Dawn (some thoughts) on Saturday January 25th, 2025

Good morning (et cetera) dear Reader, and welcome. It's not yet four o'clock in the morning and I'm waiting on coffee.
While we wait, though:

Right after posting the day's Proverb, I actually closed this for a while and have now come back, to take care of various morning tasks, but also because I couldn't think of anything else to say. 👀

Hubby's watching TimcastIRL in the other room and now, based on what Tim's saying, we know to never, ever live in West Virginia (add that to the list that includes the entire west coast, New Mexico, and all other 'blue' cities and states). 

So far, it's already been one of 'those' days; not to write the whole thing off already, but asthma has already kicked my butt, causing me to have to do two nebulizer breathing treatments as well as use numerous actuations from an albuterol rescue inhaler - honestly. 😡
But, since I did this to myself by way of smoking cigarettes for thirty years, reality dictates that I have no right to complain - none

Free will is that powerful - God has given each and all of us the right to choose. May He also give each of us the grace to choose wisely. And that's all about I've got for now - really, not much of anything. But I appreciate the time you took to read this and pray the Lord bless you and all who surround you, now and always, in Jesus' Name. amen. 

Friday, January 24, 2025

Unpopular Opinions on Friday, January 24th, 2025

Hello (again?) dear Reader, and welcome to this insignificant little blog, a tiny blip in cyberspace, a drop in the virtual ocean. Right now it's a sunny January afternoon in a remote area of the Sonoran Desert and our wonderful First Couple hit the ground running this morning - in fact, they may have even arrived in LA by now, having started early to head to North Carolina first and foremost. 💖
Here is a picture of Freedom Turtle that I took, oh, about thirty minutes ago:

He's such a sweetheart; we adore him! 

Anyway, the title of this blog "Unpopular Opinions" is about some of the things that I believe; personal convictions that are far from mainstream or popular and I am perfectly alright with that.

Unpopular Opinion 1:
No woman should ever serve as President (or other similar world leader). And I'm a natural-born, biological woman so you can't even accuse me of being sexist here, but I'm happy to discuss the 'why' behind this conviction; in fact, it's pretty easy. Men and women are called to different roles in life, pure and simple, and our natural abilities and talents equip us for these roles in life. God created and ordained man (male humans) as the leader, the authority and protective covering for us (female humans). I, for one, am totally cool with this. You guys do your jobs, and we ladies will do ours. Fair is fair; you serve me, I serve you, everyone wins. Anyway, ladies, keep in mind the fact that he is accountable for all of his words and deeds before God, including as your earthly authority. Also, having this attitude is super helpful in making healthy relationships flourish with little to no issues; an example from my own relationship: when he and I disagree on a thing (what we should do, et cetera), I just defer to his judgement and we go with whatever he wants. He, then, gets to live with the results and I'm off the hook. 😎 In short, ladies, just find a man you trust and love enough to submit to and it will never be an issue (and, if you do not trust and/or love him enough to submit to him, either get your heart right OR find one that you can submit to).

Unpopular Opinion #2:
I do not (I repeat, NOT) think that people get sent to Hell just for being gay or transgender. As hardcore conservative as I now am, I still think that homosexuality is no greater of a sin than telling a lie, or than stealing, or any other sin. I see it all as black and white here: it's basically all murder (or might as well be) in God's eyes because there are two things:
1)Perfection (God and His character) and 2) everything else.
See, the Scripture puts it this way (in one place):
"ALL" = you, me, everyone, the whole lot of us. No one is exempt; the only One Who was/is (perfect, sinless) is Jesus. The rest of us? We need grace and forgiveness. So, it is my (unpopular) opinion that being gay is no worse than telling a lie or stealing a sandwich, or killing a guy! I mean, all sin IS sin. I think it's a grave and probably eternally dangerous mistake (mostly made by legalistic church-goers) to sit in judgement of others, yes, "even IF they're gay". 
The one (kind of) sin that I have the hardest time with is (well, to my knowledge at least) is judging people when/if I think they're committing evil on purpose. Literally nothing in this life makes me madder. Mad enough to do things that I cannot legally articulate. So, pray for me (and, possibly of more importance: pray for them). Corruption, deliberate evil, all of that? Those things create a primal, adrenaline-charged rage deep within the very fiber of my spirit. Anyway. 

That's all that's really coming to mind for now, but there are two things that I believe, convictions that I came to on my own (as I was raised by agnostic intellectuals who, bless their hearts, only thought they were 'conservative' but the only conservative things about them were the way they handled money and the way they voted and that's it). It's all good, I'm just saying; in other words, my opinions are my own. 

Anyway, dear Reader, do YOU have any unpopular opinions? Feel free to share in the comments section below if you like. Either way, thank you for a few minutes of your time again, and have a wonderful afternoon.

Real Leadership on Friday, January 24th, 2025

Good morning, Lord God, and thank You for waking us up today. None of us was promised or deserves this day, God, and we thank You for it all the more for that very reason. God, please show us Your character and give us each the grace to fill our hearts with compassion and justice, tempered by Your grace, Lord, and we give You all praise and glory, in Jesus' Name, amen.🙏

Ladies and gentlemen, today is already wonderful, praise God! The afflicted and forgotten Americans who were devastated by hurricane Helene four+ months ago are finally now being delivered from peril and danger as we speak! Love him or hate him (President Trump), you have simply GOT to watch THIS!

See, this entire presidency is already shaping up to be one of "Do as you say, keep your promises" and "actions speak louder than words". 

All the BIDEN REGIME could say to the thousands left homeless and bereft of their entire lives was "FEMA is out of money" (because we're spending it all on ILLEGAL ALIENS, but even in the face of hard, irrefutable evidence which substantiates that to be undeniable FACT, they continue to lie about it).
In fact, did he ever even go to the region himself?! Even if he DID, he accomplished LITERALLY NOTHING. 

Joe Biden NEEDS to be arrested, tried, and prosecuted to the FULLEST EXTENT of 18 USC 2381, FULL STOP. He is the living embodiment of TREASON. 

I do not believe in entertaining EVIL, but in KILLING IT. But, since I have not been given that authority, I'll do it God's way and pray for him instead. 
Dear Lord God, please show all the mercy to Joe Biden that he has shown to American hurricane victims, in Jesus' Name, amen. 
There, THAT oughtta do it. 😎


And, now I'll rest in the knowledge that it's in God's hands now (and, going by recent developments, it is now obvious that it always HAS been, but is only more obvious now that Good is finally overtaking Evil). 

Without any further ado, here is today's portion from the Book of Wisdom:

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Perspective on Thursday, January 23rd, 2025

Good morning (et cetera) depending on where you are at the time you find yourself reading this today, dear Reader, and welcome. Today, I submit to you that the glass, IS, in fact, half FULL. 

Perspective is often a matter of choice.

Here, I'll even walk you through a simple object lesson to illustrate this principle about the control we actually do get to have over perspective.

First of all, I don't remember who to credit for this, but it's something that stuck with me from a good sermon (is all that I can remember about when I learned this that I'm about to share here with you). 

So take a coin - a penny was used when I learned this but you can use any coin, really. 

Now, hold the thing right up to one of your eyes, so close that it's almost touching you, and try to look around the coin. You can't - and you can't because of the coin being so bloody close you! If you did it correctly, the coin will be all that that eye can see, and will remain that way as long as you're holding it that close to you.

But now, take that same coin, and look at it from a resting position where your hand is out the length of your arm from your body. Notice how small the coin appears from this new perspective as compared to the way that it appeared when you held it so close to your eye? At the proper distance, you can now clearly see how small the coin actually is - and how relatively insignificant.

I submit to you today, dear Reader, that concepts (our problems, for example) are (mental) coins, if you will, and depending on how close we hold those things to us will determine the way those things are perceived. 

One of the benefits of submitting every thought to Christ is the fact that giving it to God gives Him the opportunity to reframe our own thoughts and perception of reality. I challenge you to ponder these things as you go throughout your day, dear Reader: can you take what currently overwhelms you and give it to God? You can, by grace - just ask Him to help you.

Here is today's chapter from the Book of Wisdom:
Proverbs 23 ESV
And, since faith cometh by hearing and hearing the Word of God:

Thank you for spending some of your valuable time with me this morning, dear Reader; take care and be blessed, now and always. 😎

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Delusional and Doubling-Down on Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025

Good morning, et cetera, dear Reader, and welcome to this obscure American blog, where I sit (again!) at about a quarter past three o'clock in the morning, beating the roosters today as I sit here and talk to you about some thoughts for the day. 

Here is some 'spiritual breakfast' of sorts - a portion of it, anyway:

A verse from this Proverb that stands out to me today is verse twelve, which I'll put right here:

Though several other of today's verses are precious nuggets packed full of spiritual relevance and wisdom, I'm narrowing the focus to this singular verb, for now; please feel free to use the comments section below to state which verse/verses stand out to you today, dear Reader. 
Anyway, it's time for all of us to sigh and collectively roll our eyes, dear Reader, because the left are still delusional and doubling-down even harder on embracing the "L" than ever before. It might even be hilarious - that is, if it wasn't so pathetically sad, transparent, bereft of any intellectual effort. Add to it, they are now ridiculing disabled people; don't believe me?

Ok. Well, Elon Musk is a genius; he's a successful billionaire, yes, but he's also a human being who happens to also be on the Autism spectrum (Asperger's Syndrome). So you know what that means? Well, not only are the Left demeaning a patriotic American (legal immigrant, I might add)... they've now stooped to hate crimes of slander, lies, and defamation of the disabled. 

Take a look at some of their hardcore hatefully abusive, 100% untrue propaganda (by way of deliberately deceptive editing) right here:
And here is the FULL, UNEDITED clip (as my eyes roll ALL the way back into my damn head):
So the "party of compassion" seeks to defame and demonize a disabled man with lies, deliberately deceitful editing, and force-feeding the less intelligent/ gullible with their manufactured LIES in lock-step in the sad and very obvious attempt to push their own failed, and rejected, agendas.

Other than a few (or less!) genuine 'journalists' like based Scott Jennings (and, not counting Newsmax or Fox!) the entire rest of current mainstream media have literally zero credibility with any and all reasonably intelligent human beings who are capable of the most basic fundamentals of critical, analytical thought.

Watching the mainstream media these days is like witnessing the crash of the Hindenburg as it slowly - but oh so surely - heads irrevocably towards a certain, unavoidable fiery crash and burn end.