Greetings and salutations, dear Reader, and welcome.
Today's portion from the Book of Wisdom:
Today's stand-out verses (to me):
God Almighty charges us to stand up for those unable to stand up for themselves. We must have compassion coupled with fierce strength in righteous anger when appropriate and correct, not turning a blind-eye to EVIL in the misappropriated name of so-called "tolerance" because, doing so, is nothing less than purely satanic, full-stop.
But, in order to be truly compassionate and loving, that concurrently means HATING EVIL - behold, factual truth from the Word of GOD:
In order to do so, we must first comprehend what EVIL actually is:
And, when in doubt, refer to the WORD OF GOD.
We do NOT get to "make up our own" definitions.
Therefore, if you are believing ANYTHING that is NOT in agreement with the inviolable, perfect Word of God:
Truth is the same now as it has been from instant that it was created by God.
Truth does not change simply because society wants it to,
that is how children think and behave. Oh, it's also how satan operates as well.
Children will only harm themselves if left up to their own devices, and the way God has ordered things, parents are the guardians of their children, there to protect them from making huge decisions based on those feelings, decisions that can have life-long and/or eternal consequences. Such as allowing the chemical castration of minor children, the majority of whom come to realize that, no, they did not want to change genders after all. Parents who actually LOVE their children will take care to refuse chemical castration and irreversible surgeries on people who are not yet allowed to even drive, vote, or have a beer!!!
It is child-abuse full-stop to allow children to make any and all specifically-adult decisions and to refuse to set healthy boundaries for them because the parent is too selfish to face the backlash of rejection as a temporary result of speaking Truth and enforcing healthy, protective boundaries to the child/ren they are entrusted with, by GOD, to enforce those boundaries with.
The TRUTH IS that there is NOT "MY truth" or "YOUR truth" - there is only THE TRUTH, and that is found in the perfect, inviolable Word of God.
Truth does not change simply because society wants it to,
that is how children think and behave. Oh, it's also how satan operates as well.
To do otherwise IS CHILD ABUSE.
It is child-abuse full-stop to allow children to make any and all specifically-adult decisions and to refuse to set healthy boundaries for them because the parent is too selfish to face the backlash of rejection as a temporary result of speaking Truth and enforcing healthy, protective boundaries to the child/ren they are entrusted with, by GOD, to enforce those boundaries with.
The TRUTH IS that there is NOT "MY truth" or "YOUR truth" - there is only THE TRUTH, and that is found in the perfect, inviolable Word of God.
And if you've been deceived by Lucifer's LIES through the liberal, globalist operatives he's infected the planet with, no worries - always, always, ALWAYS turn to and rely on and OBEY the WORD OF GOD. It's that simple. NOT EASY - no. But SIMPLE - yes.
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